Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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Physical Activity

Physical Activity is an integral part of daily life in a health-promoting school and can contribute to the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of all children, young people and staff within the school community.

Engaging in regular Physical Activity and eating well are extremely important in helping to maintain a healthy body weight.

Schools can use the Healthy School criteria to provide evidence that there is a sustainable whole-school approach to Physical Activity. 

Any type of Physical Activity is beneficial, and just encouraging children and young people to reduce the amount of time they spend sitting or being inactive is a good starting point.

Children and young people aged 5-18 should engage in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours a day.

The greatest benefits come from engaging in a broad range of Physical Activity including:

  • PE lessons
  • sports
  • dance
  • outdoor activities
  • exercise and training sessions
  • walking/jogging
  • cycling
  • skateboarding
  • active play
  • roller blading
















NICE have produced guidance Promoting physical activity for children and young people which contains some recommendations for schools.

Schools can use their PE and Sport Premium funding to build capacity and capability in the school and make sure that improvements made to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity provision are sustainable and will benefit pupils joining the school in future.