Healthy Eating
Good eating habits are developed during childhood. If encouraged to enjoy healthier food and drink early on, it is more likely that these positive behaviours will remain with children and young people throughout life.
Children and young people spend, on average, a quarter of their waking lives in schools, so schools can have a positive influence over their knowledge, experience and behaviour. The knowledge developed in the classroom about a healthier diet, the food that is offered and promoted throughout the school day, as well as the attitude of the whole school community, can have a major influence on children and young people. The lifelong learning skills they need to make appropriate food choices and to develop a positive attitude towards diet and health can all be influenced at school.
It is important that messages about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles are consistent. Schools can help provide these and, by involving the whole school community, they can help encourage healthier behaviour outside of the school environment as well.
For guidance on all aspects of school food visit The Childrens Food Trust website.
For ideas and resources that will enhance the teaching of food education at your school, Food a Fact of Life is also an invaluable source of information including online training for primary teachers, some of which is free.
For schools interested in setting up a cookery club 'Let's Get Cooking' can provide the inspiration and resources to get you started.
Want inspiration for healthy packed lunches? Click here to download our Healthy Packed Lunch leaflet.
For more Healthy Weight information and support see the links page.