Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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How can I join in?

The Healthy Schools programme has been running for many decades in various forms: local, regional and national.

Taking part in the Wiltshire Healthy Schools programme enables your school to keep this accreditation up to date and demonstrate your school's ongoing commitment to healthier living and learning. 

All schools can join the Wiltshire Healthy Schools Programme at Bronze Level. Schools can maintain their Healthy School status by revisiting this audit every 3 years.

Schools that have previously completed Bronze level, are entitled to apply for accreditation at Silver Level.

If you would like to find out more, or to register your school to take part in the Wiltshire Healthy Schools programme, contact Nick Bolton:

The next date to join the programme, as a new Wiltshire Healthy School or to begin the reaccreditation process, will be an online session on 9th October 2024. Further details of all future training dates can be found here.