FAB Research (from 2014)
Wiltshire Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Survey
Wiltshire Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing Survey 2024
This survey was shorter in length using a subset of questions from the more extensive Wiltshire Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Survey with which you may be familiar (last undertaken in 2021).
Around 9,000 pupils took part this year, during February and March 2024, from the following year groups: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10,12 and students in FE settings.
School specific reports will be issued during July 2024, before the end of term, and a Wiltshire area report will be published later in the year.
A supporting video is provided to explain the format of the report. Those schools not involved in this survey, may also be interested in viewing it to get an idea of the kind of information we share back with schools.
This online survey has been developed by Foster and Brown (FAB) Research in partnership with Wiltshire Council.
The survey provides a comprehensive picture of the needs of children and young people across the whole of Wiltshire providing important data showing behaviour change of children aged 8 through to 16+.
The data, provided at school and county level, will not only provide useful evidence for Ofsted but enable schools to more effectively develop their PSHE Education curriculum and effectively target and monitor their Healthy Schools work.
The information will also be used by Wiltshire Council to inform strategic planning across the County and by the School Nursing Service to ensure that it is targeting support where it is most needed.
Surveys during 2020 and 2021
In 2020, 57 schools participated with nearly 6,000 responses. This survey was cut short due to the pandemic. In 2021, 7,499 pupils were involved from 77 schools.
This provided a powerful pupil voice telling us about the lives of young people.
Questions asked include school experience and engagement, sleep behaviour, sociability, stress, self harm, internet safety, drug use, sexual activity and future prospects for older pupils and students.
Overall findings from the survey are positive; pupils are generally safe, happy and healthy. However the data also highlights aspects of concern and outcomes are significantly poorer for vulnerable groups.
2020 and 2021 themed reports and infographic summaries
- Overview report
- Community Safety infographic
- Community Safety report
- Emotional Health infographic
- Emotional Health report
- Healthy Lifestyles infographic
- Healthy Lifestyles report
- Risky Behaviours infographic
- Risky Behaviours report
- School Experience infographic
- School Experience report
2017 summary reports
- Overview report
- Emotional wellbeing
- Healthy lifestyles
- Community safety
- Risky behaviours
- School experience
- Vulnerable groups - also produced for Wiltshire agencies
2015 summary reports.
Previously Wiltshire schools have been offered similar surveys that have been taking place on a regular basis since the 1980s.