Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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Wiltshire Children and Young People’s Mental Health Survey: 2020 Home Edition

Emotional wellbeing information and support for young people in Wiltshire: onyourmind

During May-June 2020, Wiltshire schools were able to take part in a modified version of our Health and Wellbeing Survey, adapted by collaborators at the University of Oxford and Foster and Brown to the challenges of COVID-19 and school closure.

The survey involved schools from counties including: East Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, South Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. 

The survey was for pupils in years 4-13 and had 3 versions for different ages: (years 4-7, years 8-11, years 12-13)

The aim of the survey was to help inform schools of how lockdown is impacting the well-being and learning of their pupils.

This version of the survey is part of a study that has been approved by the University of Oxford Research Ethics Committee, details can be found here

Summary of secondary school findings

Participating schools/colleges are now receiving their own results, which can be compared with a wider sample.

Some of the key findings and reports from the survey are presented here (from all counties) and will be added to over the next few months.

An overview of the primary school results for pupils 

An overview of the secondary school results for pupils
