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Stoptober - stop smoking and good things happen

Friday 29th September 2023

Since it first launched 12 years ago, Stoptober has helped over 2.5 million smokers to make a quit attempt. The campaign is driven by evidence that if a smoker can make it to 28 days smoke free, they are five times more likely to quit for good.

The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘When you stop smoking, good things start to happen’, reminding smokers of the many benefits of stopping smoking and signposting to a range of proven tools to help them on their quitting journey. The campaign encourages smokers to search ‘Stoptober’ which will direct them to the Better Health Quit Smoking website

We also have a range of always-on stop smoking resources that you can use to support the campaign. These promote different types of quitting support, the health benefits of quitting smoking and ‘top tips’ to help smokers quit successfully. You can access these resources here on the Campaign Resource Centre.

QR code poster signpostng contact details for young people who want to stop smoking and vaping (Wiltshire Health Improvement Coaches)

More about smoking and vaping (with links to teaching materials)

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