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Quality Review Framework for RSE

Tuesday 7th May 2019

This framework aims to help schools quality assure their RSE provision and enables schools individually, or in partnership, to undertake a review process as a self or peer review.

Core criteria provide a minimum standard that all schools should expect to meet.  

The framework was developed following a pilot and evaluation involving schools and members of the Healthy Schools teams in Wiltshire and Bath and North East Somerset.  

The documents, previously offered for sale from the RSE Hub, are now available for Wiltshire schools to use.  

They were first introduced to Wiltshire schools who attended the course "Preparing for Statutory Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education" in February 2019.

As schools prepare for statutory RSE, these documents will provide a useful tool to evaluate current provision and identify areas for development. 

More about RSE here 

Wiltshire LGBT+ standards for schools 

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