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Wiltshire and Swindon Prevent Education Sub-group

Wednesday 19th April 2023

This group takes place twice yearly (on Microsoft Teams) and will be an opportunity to receive updates on Prevent, additional training and a forum to ask questions on the key themes seen locally.

The next meeting will be held on 16th May 2023 (9-10:30).

If you would like to attend please email:

There will be updates from the DfE Regional Advisor and from South West Counter Terrorism Policing.

Also presented will be a case study of a young person from Cornwall who was, at the time, convicted of being the youngest terrorist in the country. This will highlight missed opportunities from various professional bodies and present some great learning opportunities that everyone can take away with them.

This will be followed by a discussion around training, current offers and additional support needed.

More about Prevent

Catch up with other recent news here