Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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Resource packs from Splitz

Thursday 5th September 2019

Splitz have provided links to the following online resources and toolkits for schools and parents:

Splitz is an independent charity and leading provider of domestic abuse support services in southwest England, with a key role in shaping strategy and policy through our participation in local strategy groups, domestic abuse forums and by lobbying local, regional and national government.


Building Healthy Futures

This pack is an educational toolkit for the benefit of children of primary age and is a resource for primary schools to help inform, explore and manage the impact of domestic violence and abuse. It is intended to encourage discussion and debate to increase safety, confidence and identity as well as aiding emotional awareness and positive relationships.

Encouraging Healthy Contact

This toolkit has been designed to support and inform parents; to aid them to help children and young people understand and manage the difficulties of contact after domestic and sexual abuse. It is intended to encourage exploration, discussion and debate; to aid understanding, increase safety and security, as well as build confidence and emotional awareness in parents and their children.

We understand that the transition from primary to secondary school can be both exciting and nerve wracking. Starting secondary school is a great opportunity to meet new people and build new relationships. The most important message we hope you take away from this toolkit is that you are never alone.