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Claim a second SMHL grant

Wednesday 11th October 2023

Senior mental health lead training

New opportunity to claim a second grant 

The majority of Wiltshire schools have now attended this training, provided by Wiltshire Council, during the last 3 years. However in some schools the trained lead has now left. Some schools have booked their new staff member on one of the free catch up sessions taking place during the next few months. Please email for details of these. 

The DfE have now announced that if you previously claimed a grant and your trained lead has left your setting, you can also now apply for a 2nd grant.

This means that your new school lead can book on one of the national courses and claim a second grant. Apply for your grant here

Once you have attended the training you can join the ongoing Senior Mental Health Leads network meetings for leads in Wiltshire, Swindon and B&NES.

Senior mental health lead training will equip your mental health lead with the knowledge and skills to implement an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.  

All state schools and colleges can claim a £1,200 grant to fund DfE quality assured mental health lead training to help them develop their school or college approach to promoting and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and staff. 

Catch up with other recent news here