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The impact of PSHE education (DfE)

Friday 20th March 2015

A new document has been produced this month by the DfE:

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education: a review of impact and effective practice

This evidence summary provides a high level overview of recent reviews of personal well-being education and interventions which could be applied during PSHE lessons. It also provides a short narrative on evidence on economic well-being. The most recent evidence is emphasised to answer the following questions:

• What is the impact of PSHE style education on pupil outcomes?
• What is the evidence on the efficacy of individual components of PSHE education?
• What characterises effective practice in PSHE education?

Due to the breadth of the subject, this paper is not intended to be comprehensive but rather to highlight the evidence on impact and best practice from recent research. While it concentrates on curricular opportunities for PSHE education, it should be acknowledged that the broader life of the school (such as pastoral systems and extra-curricular/leisure time) can substantially contribute to PSHE outcomes.

This and other national documents realting to Healthy Schools can be found here